Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Great Day

Today was such a good day that I just had to post something about it.

I went to school, and ended up meeting this cool girl Jenn at my house afterward. We ended up chillin' for a bit, and then left to explore Golden Gate Park. I mean, it's a block away, and until today I had yet to explore it.

We walked every nook and cranny of the park, and then into the Richmond all the way up to Geary. When we got thirsty, we stopped for drinks. When we got hungry, we stopped for sushi.

The walk back was quicker, because we both had to pee, and it was getting cold! We did finally return though, and evacuated our bladders happily.

The homework load at SFSU is definitely a little more intense than at De Anza.

Two years and Counting.

PS, this is a long shot, but Katie P, if you are reading this I got a new phone, and no longer have your number or any way to contact you. Please update me, I MISS YOU!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spoken Word Inspiration

As I sat this morning waiting for my first class, on my Birthday, at SFSU, this came pouring out of me... I just had to write it down.

I sit here at the finish line, but yet to start,
I learn these skills to flex my knowledge, it's my art
I am not the norm of what you'd find in the dorms,
my brain storms with memories of past experience.
And my victory comes the day of deliverance of the grades.
All A's is what I pray, and I'll work my ass off, take the cast off my brain,
to see that day.
Wordsmiths writing, thinkers thinking, the chalk is ready, drunks are drinking.
All is in it's place, and I'll soon be in your face.
The rest is up to me...
I set the bar with the best, to test these,
thoughts and memories of what once was...
I dropped the gloves, and put my weak half in check
My strong version took the wheel, and I demand respect.
I wrecked my old ways to prepare for new days, nothing will phase the thought rays
that I omit and display.
And while times change, I refuse to stay the same.
Adapt, evolve, and roll with the punches, in this life there ain't no free lunches,
and it's too damn easy to turn our lives into dungeons.
Misery loves company, and many get trapped.
I made a pact with myself to never again be attacked, and now I know how to act.
I'm here to win, not to be a victim of the system,
A fresh start, finally comfortable inhabitin' the skin I'm in.