Monday, October 24, 2011

Man's Best Friend

Dogs really are simple creatures. Their lives are utterly simple, and their love is immense.

Ever since I was a child, I have felt a deep connection to my K-9 friends. I seem to understand them on a the very basic level in which they think, which translates to a great love for the species. A dogs sole purpose in life is to share unconditional love with its master, and that is simply beautiful. A dog is man's best friend, as they say.

My dog Tucker is... really I'm looking for a word, but I can't seem to find the right one. I'm leaning toward eccentric...? But that sounds weird. Let me describe him: He is a Black Labrador, and people constantly stop me on the street to tell me that he is "beautiful", "gorgeous", and even "majestic". To top his cute little "puppy" look, is his quirky personality. Now, I know it sounds weird to describe a dog like this, but hear me out. He may be a canine, but his human qualities show in his relationships with everyone around him. He takes to certain people, and you can see it instantly. He also expresses emotions and conscious thought in his facial expressions, and physical actions. I can tell when he's mad, or when he's having a great day. We definitely communicate on a telepathic level at times, and I can honestly say that I know exactly what he is thinking, and translate it to English. People think that's weird, but hey, maybe you finish your girlfriends sentences...

Tucker truly is my best friend. Over the past year, having him here in SF with me has been a delightful experience. We have truly become one unit in some aspects, and I love him with all of my heart. He comes most places with me, and I don't like to leave him alone at home because I do miss him when I have to do other things. At times I am not happy with my life, as anyone feels on occasion. Other days I just feel a sense of wonder with life, and try to show my love for the world around me. One thing always remains constant though, and that is the love that I feel emanating from my dog, Tucker. No matter what, he's always there, with those big brown dopey eyes. Always looking up at me for some sort of assurance, some hint of excitement in my own eyes. I give him love, because he taught me what love is.

Just recently I truly discovered what the term "unconditional love" actually means while I was spending time with my Tuck. It was not a bad day for me emotionally or whatever, nor was it an explicitly good day, but simply an average one. I was kneeling and petting T and talking to him. I felt a strong bond, and the vibrant energy of the love that we share. I know that this sounds like some sappy love note BS now, but this is for real. I am a man, and I am expressing my emotions through the written word. I digress, but this is powerful. Anyway, I feel a strong connection to him, because he has helped me become a man in so many ways.

All of my life I have had trouble saving money. My expenditures far exceeded my savings and income, and I constantly lived check-to-check. When I finally got back "out of the hole", so to speak, something happened. Tucker decided to eat some moldy turkey meat that someone had placed in the trash in our kitchen. It was bad. When I say bad, I mean BAD F****NG BAD BAD. Without getting into details, lets just say it cost a good deal of cash when we finally checked out of the local vets office. He was all doped up with pupils the size of dinner plates, and expelled every imaginable bodily fluid from every imaginable orifice in his body for a couple of hours. With every expulsion, a little more of his personality came back though, and all I could do was laugh. We had gotten through all of it. The incident, the sickness, the vets office, and the recovery were over with, and we could get back to the normal routine that I've come to enjoy.
What I learned from all of this is that you have to be prepared for anything, at any time. Instantly, my money spending habits had changed. I could ramble on and on about this for some time, but you get the picture. What I will say though, is that of course "the incident" has strengthened our bond even further.

Before Tucker was here I was also partying pretty hard. I was staying out wayyyyyy too late, almost every night, and constantly worried about how I was going to make out in school. I knew I'd make grades, but I cut it close in a couple of classes. That was an uneasy feeling that I carried with me all of the time. Since Tuck's arrival though, I have relaxed quite a bit, and lost a good deal of weight from all of our exercise together, and focused more on school. I don't like to go out too much anymore, because it takes too much of my energy. Energy that I can devote to my morning walks with my dog, who gives so much love to me for so little in return. I choose to give back to him, and to myself.

Every day we hit the park. Golden Gate Park is a wondrous playland, where I could get lost for days. Having such a place, one block away, in this city, with my dog, just seems so surreal. My life has unfolded in a beautiful way, and I just have to say that I love the direction I'm headed, and can thank Tucker formally for pushing me this way. Every day after our park time we head into work, where he is the shop dog.

People just love the guy. I mean most Asians cower, and part like the red sea as I pass them in my neighborhood with him. At work though, man, the guy gets attention. People show so much love to him because he truly is a beautiful specimen, but he's also so much more.

Lets get deep for a minute... Ok, more like 4 lines.

To put it simply, I find it funny that if you take the word Dog, and reverse the letters, you have the word, God. Now I'm not religious per se, but I do recognize the significance of this synchronicity. I need not say more on this matter, but I'll let your mind wander the possibilities of what that means to you, because I have my own opinions. I'm just going to continue feeding and playing with my dog, and fostering the one love that I can truly say that I "feel" on this sometimes cold planet.

If I'm having one of "those" days, or a good day, I know I can rely on Tucker for some love. Love really is what we're all searching for, right? Ever since our inception, we've been searching for the things that make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though sometimes we wouldn't admit it. What I recognize is that now I can truly say that I feel it. For the first time ever I feel it in a way that shatters the love I've felt in any human relationships. There is a primal connection between man and beast, which I'm happy to experience on a daily basis. He is another set of eyes, a protector, a confidant, and a friend.

He is Tucker, and he is my best friend.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


"In the summertime the women wear a lotta skin
and if I sit in one spot I can take 'em all in,
sometimes I even stop to see if I can make one grin,
and if not, I ain't gonna take it personally." -Slug

I don't know why, but that just popped into my head.

Posts to this blog have been dormant, but I've been writing and collecting my thoughts elsewhere. I was going crazy with school, but now its summer, and it feels amazing to have passed my first year at SF State.

I feel as if I've stepped into a time warp.

I'm leveling up left and right, I'm losing a bunch of weight, my dog and myself are healthier than ever, my music is getting better, I'm moving up at work, yet time is not on my side.

Keep on working, keep on pressing,
this life is testing, and I'm impressing.

Get on top of your game, and it feels good.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Calling Powdered Toast Man

Time has passed, and lapsed
I've grown, and I've changed,
things have all re-arranged,
the book was turned to a different page.

Yep, that's pretty much the story of my life thus far in SF. I can hardly believe this is only my second post on this blog since I have moved here.

So much has changed, and so much has remained. The one thing I will say though, is I am extremely thankful for two things on this day.

1. My dog Tucker is living with me now. Makes me happy to wake up every day, and we have a blast in Golden Gate Park, daily.

2. My downstairs gate was broken into last night, and my room mate's LOCKED bicycle was stolen, while my UNLOCKED bikes were passed over. THANK YOU KARMA on that one!

Honestly though, I love my life. I do not say it enough. There is always negativity niggling at my subconscious, but I've learned new ways to deal with it. I can truly say I am happy in this moment, but one must take each moment one at a time.

I have been making a lot of music lately, and if you somehow stumble across this page, I'd love for you to listen.
My newest song is titled, "Underground Nights", and I am extremely pleased with it, as it is my best yet!

At this time I wish you Peace, Love, and Light. I'm gonna listen to some dub and crash out.

Let me also link you to my boy Audiobomb, one of the Bay's best Dubstep producers! Kid is killin' it!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Great Day

Today was such a good day that I just had to post something about it.

I went to school, and ended up meeting this cool girl Jenn at my house afterward. We ended up chillin' for a bit, and then left to explore Golden Gate Park. I mean, it's a block away, and until today I had yet to explore it.

We walked every nook and cranny of the park, and then into the Richmond all the way up to Geary. When we got thirsty, we stopped for drinks. When we got hungry, we stopped for sushi.

The walk back was quicker, because we both had to pee, and it was getting cold! We did finally return though, and evacuated our bladders happily.

The homework load at SFSU is definitely a little more intense than at De Anza.

Two years and Counting.

PS, this is a long shot, but Katie P, if you are reading this I got a new phone, and no longer have your number or any way to contact you. Please update me, I MISS YOU!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spoken Word Inspiration

As I sat this morning waiting for my first class, on my Birthday, at SFSU, this came pouring out of me... I just had to write it down.

I sit here at the finish line, but yet to start,
I learn these skills to flex my knowledge, it's my art
I am not the norm of what you'd find in the dorms,
my brain storms with memories of past experience.
And my victory comes the day of deliverance of the grades.
All A's is what I pray, and I'll work my ass off, take the cast off my brain,
to see that day.
Wordsmiths writing, thinkers thinking, the chalk is ready, drunks are drinking.
All is in it's place, and I'll soon be in your face.
The rest is up to me...
I set the bar with the best, to test these,
thoughts and memories of what once was...
I dropped the gloves, and put my weak half in check
My strong version took the wheel, and I demand respect.
I wrecked my old ways to prepare for new days, nothing will phase the thought rays
that I omit and display.
And while times change, I refuse to stay the same.
Adapt, evolve, and roll with the punches, in this life there ain't no free lunches,
and it's too damn easy to turn our lives into dungeons.
Misery loves company, and many get trapped.
I made a pact with myself to never again be attacked, and now I know how to act.
I'm here to win, not to be a victim of the system,
A fresh start, finally comfortable inhabitin' the skin I'm in.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Who would've thought...

... That with as little time as I've had since i started this new job, that my next post would be during work. Ha!

I'm sitting on a bench, in the middle of an elementary school, in Corte Madera, CA. As I sit, I am waiting for a sales guy named Lou to finish his survey of the school's A/C units. This mobile blog is saving me from sitting alone and bored in this idle time.

Boy was the ride here interesting... Got lost twice but I did make it after all. I was so stressed out I had to stop and center myself for a moment. Back to earth I came.

I have been sitting here for at least an hour, and so many little children have helped to snap me out if my "funk". Kids are so amazing to watch, they are care-free and mostly happy all of the time. A train of about 30 kids all passed me and they were breath-taken by the ladder that I sit here guarding until Lou comes down. I say breath-taken because 6 or 7 of them made a BiG deal over something as simple as a ladder! A couple of em even asked me if it was mine, and got all excited when I said "yes". I find this truly beautiful and amazing.

It is so easy to forget the innocence that we all once had as kids, because to survive in this harsh world, most innocence is washed out and scrubbed off as we learn the way the world works as we get older.

I've grown up so much over the last month I am amazing myself. However today all it took today for me to FREAK out was getting lost. These kids brought me back to earth, and I thank God for them! It is going to be a wonderful day!